Mr Muir was very grateful to the organising committee for the series 7 courses, of which he has the honour of being the chairman, and to the speakers who made the course such a success.
We had outstanding contributions from our international speakers, Professor Christian Dumontier from Guadeloupe, Professor Steven Hovius and Professor Paul Werker from the Netherlands and Professor Raja Sabapathy from Coimbatore in India. The standard of the lectures was outstanding.
We are looking forward to the June course which covers nerve disorders and brachial plexus disorders. Our international speakers are Professor Maurizio Calcagni, Professor Gursel Leblebcioglu, Dr Susan Mackinnon and Professor Christophe Oberlin.
Full details are as always on the BSSH website.
Professor Herrick and Mr Muir answer questions on Raynaud's
Professor Raja Sabapathy, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore
Miss Emily West from Bristol and Professor Raja Sabapathy answer questions on sever hand injuries